Issue - meetings
Local Development Scheme
Meeting: 06/09/2017 - Cabinet (Item 27)
Local Development Scheme
To receive a presentation to update on progress on the Local Development Scheme.
That the information be noted.
The Cabinet received a presentation on the timetable and programme for the review of the Local Plan. The timetable, known as the Local Development Scheme, was set out, and Members’ attention was drawn to 3 potential risks.
Firstly, the forecast traffic growth from the Local Plan proposals, together with development from outside the Districts has reached a threshold where further investigations may be necessary as part of the Appropriate Assessment to ensure internationally protected habitats are not significantly affected. The first stage of results would be received towards the end of September and, if potential harmful effects were noted, there might need to be additional work that could delay the process.
Secondly, work to update the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment had resulted in changes to the mapping of areas at risk of flooding. This meant that potential site allocations might now be considered to be in a flood plain. Further work was necessary to establish whether the sites, for a total of 700 homes, could be safely developed and therefore included in the Local Plan. The timetable for the completion of the necessary modelling work was still somewhat uncertain, and could lead to a delay of up to 2 months for the Local Development Scheme.
The Government had also indicated that they would shortly be bringing forward changes to the National Planning Policy Framework. Of particular relevance was the introduction of a standardised method for assessing local housing need. There was currently no indication as to how the new approach would work and this issue would need to be taken into account as the Plan moved forward.
The aspiration in the Local Development Scheme remained for the Local Plan to be submitted to the Cabinet in December.