Issue - meetings
Meeting: 16/04/2018 - Council (Item 68)
Questions To Portfolio Holders Under Standing Order 22A
To ask questions of Portfolio Holders. Members are reminded that questions must be submitted to the Chief Executive or to the Executive Head of Governance and Regulation by not later than noon on Friday 13 April 2018.
Cllr Harrison asked the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Wellbeing a question concerning management of the Eling Experience Project in Totton. Cllr Harrison’s request for a Task and Finish Group to be established was declined by the Portfolio Holder.
Cllr Tipp asked the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services a question concerning air quality monitoring work in Totton/A35, on which an update was given.
Question 1:
From: Cllr D Harrison
To: Cllr Binns, Leisure and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder
“Will the Portfolio Holder ask a Panel or Task and Finish Group to carefully scrutinise the project to deliver the ‘Eling Experience’ in Totton, in particular to discover any lessons to be learned surrounding project management, given the two year delay and increased costs in completing things?”
The Portfolio Holder replied that despite the complexities of a project involving an 18th Century Tide Mill, the scheme, which involved a £1.6 million investment from the Heritage Lottery Fund, had resulted in an excellent redevelopment. He said that he would not set up a Task and Finish Group and utilise any further resources to scrutinise the progress of the project. An externally appointed monitor had reviewed the progress and value for money of the project during regular formal meetings on behalf of the Heritage Lottery Fund. The redevelopment had proved more complex than had originally been anticipated, mainly due to the highly unusual nature of the tide mill, one of only two of its kind in the country, and its 2* listing status.
Totton and Eling Town Council had been kept informed throughout the project and lessons had been learned from the process.
Cllr Binns was pleased that the Tide Mill and Visitor Centre was now open and would provide an excellent facility for the residents of Totton and Eling, as well as being a valuable tourist attraction. He did not feel that the overspend was disproportionate, given the circumstances.
In view of other more pressing issues, for example on housing and leisure, it was right that the Council should concentrate on current and future issues. Lessons had been learned and these would be applied.
Question 2:
From: Cllr D Tipp
To: Cllr Hoare, Environment and Regulatory Services Portfolio Holder
“Now that the data for the air quality monitoring work in Totton and along the A35 is complete, please will the Portfolio Holder given an update on this issues?”
The Portfolio Holder said that all the air quality modelling had been completed and had been submitted in draft form to the Joint Air Quality Unit (JAQU), DEFRA and the DoT for comment. The project was being led by Southampton City Council to address the Southampton Air Quality Zone requirements. Currently the data from the modelling exercise was being checked by JAQU and the outline business case to be submitted at the end of May would be made public by Southampton and this Council prior to a consultation process.
Cllr Tipp asked a subsequent question about charges and sought assurances that residents travelling along the A35 would not be subject to any charge when the Clean Air Zone was implemented. In reply, the Portfolio Holder said that it was highly unlikely that there would be charges but the process was still at an early stage.