Issue - meetings
New Housing Financial Assistance Policy (Disabled Facilities Grants)
Meeting: 05/07/2017 - Cabinet (Item 5)
5 New Housing Financial Assistance Policy (Disabled Facilities Grants) PDF 84 KB
To consider the recommendations of the Community Overview and Scrutiny Panel with respect to updating the Housing Financial Assistance Policy for disabled adaptations via Disabled Facilities Grants and essential repairs for vulnerable homeowners via Home Repair Loans.
(a) That the new Housing Financial Assistance Policy as, set out in Report Item 4 to the Cabinet, be approved;
(b) That authority be delegated to the Housing Grants and Improvements Manager to implement the policy details and make all necessary arrangements and decisions in compliance with this new policy (within the agreed budgetary constraints);
(c) That authority be delegated to the Service Manager to exercise discretion within the existing budgetary constraints in exceptional circumstances for specific cases, including making decisions regarding the waiving of the first £5000 of the client’s contribution towards the cost of a Disabled Facilities Grant project.
The Cabinet considered amendments to the Housing Financial Assistance Policy for disabled adaptations through Disabled Facilities Grants and for essential repairs for vulnerable home owners through Home Repair Loans. Additional funding was now available through the County Council’s Better Care Fund as well as through this Council’s Housing Revenue Account.
Mandatory Disabled Facilities Grants were available to assist disabled adults and children to adapt their homes to increase their independence. These grants were available regardless of the tenure of the property. For adults the grants were means tested, for children they were not. While the works that could be carried out to qualify for a mandatory grant were specifically defined in the legislation, there was scope for local authorities to offer discretionary grants, although to date money had not been available for this purpose. The Council now also had a limited budget for Home Repair Loans for vulnerable owner occupiers.
The additional funding available though the Better Care Fund allowed greater discretion for local authorities to assist disabled residents to improve their health wellbeing and to remain living independently in their communities. A range of discretionary assistance would be offered in future and the proposed amendments to the policy should allow this Council to make better use of the funding available to assist disabled and vulnerable residents. The Council would also continue to provide a budget to for Home Repair Loans for vulnerable homeowners.
The opportunity had also been taken to review the system to overcome blockages and delays in responding to requests for assistance.
In welcoming the revisions to the policy, the Portfolio Holder paid particular tribute to the late Tony Elsbury, who had been instrumental in developing these proposals.
(a) That the new Housing Financial Assistance Policy, as set out in Report Item 4 to the Cabinet, be approved;
(b) That authority be delegated to the Housing Grants and Improvements Manager to implement the policy details and make all necessary arrangements and decisions in compliance with this new policy (within the agreed budgetary constraints); and
(c) That authority be delegated to the Service Manager to exercise discretion within the existing budgetary constraints in exceptional circumstances for specific cases, including making decisions regarding the waiving of the first £5000 of the client’s contribution towards the cost of a Disabled Facilities Grant project.