Decision details

Allocation of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to local infrastructure projects

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To approve the allocation of CIL funding to local infrastructure projects




a)    That a supplementary budget of £81,100 be approved, and subsequently approve the list of projects at Appendix 1 of the Cabinet report totalling £1,081.104.84; and


b)    That the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy, in conjunction with the Chair of the Executive Advisory Task and Finish Group, be authorised to make such amendments as they deem appropriate to the approved project lists within 10% of the total budget. Any such amendments will be reported to Cabinet via the financial monitoring reports.







Planning and Economy




As set out in report.








The Portfolio Holder Planning and Economy presented the proposed list of CIL projects following officer assessment and the Member Task and Finish Group.


The Planning Implementation and Monitoring Team Leader explained that 26 projects had been successful in their application for CIL funding with the list of projects contained in Appendix 1 of the report.


Applications for funding had been assessed via the robust framework set by Cabinet in October 2023 and were evaluated by officers in accordance with the approved criteria which was then scrutinised by the Task and Finish Group.


Cabinet were being asked to approve an additional £81,100 to the already approved £1million. It was explained that the Council already held these funds and therefore would not incur any additional direct cost. 


The Council was keen to fund as many projects as possible and would engage with those applicants that were unsuccessful to seek other potential funding opportunities. 


The matter of a strategic CIL approach would be deliberated at a future Council date.


Reason Key: Expenditure > £50,000;

Other reasons / organisations consulted



Member Task and Finish Group, Executive Management Team, relevant Portfolio Holder

Contact: Dean Brunton, Planning Policy Infrastructure and Delivery Service Manager Email:, Tim Guymer, Assistant Director for Place Development Email:

Report author: Dean Brunton

Publication date: 05/04/2024

Date of decision: 03/04/2024

Decided at meeting: 03/04/2024 - Cabinet

Effective from: 13/04/2024

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