Decision details

Work Programme for the Design and Implementation of Habitat Mitigation Projects

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder - Planning and Economy

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report seeks to approve a programme of projects and expenditure for 2024/25 which have been designed to help implement the Council’s adopted Local Plan policies, particularly its recreational mitigation strategy to address the impacts of new development on the New Forest European sites.


On 28 March 2024, Cllr Derek Tipp, the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy made the following decision:

That It is recommended that the list of projects as shown as Appendix 1 are agreed to be progressed during the financial year 2024/25.

Any member of the Council, who is not a Portfolio Holder, who considers that this decision should be reviewed should give notice using the call-in facility at the top of this page on the Council’s intranet / extranet site. Alternatively, notice can be given to the Monitoring Officer (Tanya Coulter) (in writing or by e-mail) to be received ON OR BY 5.15 pm on 8 April 2024.

Details of the document the Portfolio Holder considered are attached below.

Reasons for the decision:

See Report

Alternative options considered:

See Report

Declarations of Interest(s): None

Contact: Dean Brunton, Planning Policy Infrastructure and Delivery Service Manager Email:, Tim Guymer, Assistant Director for Place Development Email:, Paul Relton, Programme Manager Email:

Publication date: 28/03/2024

Effective from: 09/04/2024

Accompanying Documents: