Decision details
Transformation Programme
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To consider and approve the development of the
proposed transformation programme
That the Cabinet:-
(a) support the development of a council-wide transformation programme to improve service outcomes and contribute budget savings as outlined in the Medium-term financial plan; and
(b) note that a Business Case will be brought to the new administration in advance of commencement of the programme in Q1 2023/24.
As set out in the report.
Leader / All.
As set out in the report.
The Leader of the Council introduced the report and referred to one of the District Council’s strengths as financial sustainability. Whilst changing can be expensive for any type of organisation, with good planning and tackling challenges early, the Council was well placed to invest early to meet future challenges, looking ahead to the cumulative deficit in the Medium Term Financial Plan. He welcomed the report.
The Service Manager – Elections and Business Improvement highlighted the drivers and opportunities for change in the report. The programme contained the standard phases typical of a transformation programme. Strong communications and engagement would be key to the success of the programme. The Council’s senior leadership team had already contributed to the framework for the plan. The temporary dedicated resource required to ensure initial preparations could take place was noted. A full business case would come forward to the new administration following the District Council Elections in May 2023.
One Member expressed his concern about potential austerity measures that could come forward, and how the Council might progress the transformation programme effectively in this context. In addition, reassurances were sought that the Council’s hardship fund would not be impacted by the programme. The Leader highlighted the positive investment from the Government, including the Freeport initiative and that the Council had always sought to redirect resources to priorities and find new ways of working and seek efficiencies, rather than make cuts to services. The Chief Executive confirmed that there would be no impact on the hardship fund as a result of the Transformation Programme. The Council would continue to work with partners to make the best use of discretionary payments, for the benefit of residents who were most in need of support.
A number of Members and officers reiterated that the programme would put the needs of residents at the heart of service delivery, and that whilst digital methods would be pursued for internal efficiencies and for those customers that wished to engage in a digital manner, contact with the Council would remain available in other ways for those who could not access services digitally.
Reason Key: Impacts Significant Number of People;
Other reasons / organisations consulted
Executive Management Team, relevant Portfolio
Holders, Corporate Affairs and Local Economy Overview &
Scrutiny Panel
Contact: Alan Bethune, Strategic Director of Corporate Resources & Transformation, Section 151 Officer Email:
Report author: Alan Bethune
Publication date: 07/10/2022
Date of decision: 05/10/2022
Decided at meeting: 05/10/2022 - Cabinet
Effective from: 15/10/2022
Accompanying Documents: