Decision details

Abandoned Vehicles, Clean Neighbourhoods & The Environment Act and Environmental Enforcement - 2022-23 Fees and Charges

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder - People and Places

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


As part of the annual review of budgets, decisions are required to agree any non-statutory
fees and charges for the forthcoming financial year.


On 28 April 2022, Cllr David Russell, the Portfolio Holder for People and Places made the following decision:

That the fees and charges attached as Appendix 1 be agreed and implemented from 9th May 2022.

Any member of the Council, who is not a Portfolio Holder, who considers that this decision should be reviewed should give notice using the call-in facility at the top of this page on the Council’s intranet / extranet site. Alternatively, notice can be given to the Monitoring Officer (Grainne O’Rourke) (in writing or by e-mail) to be received ON OR BY 5.15 pm on 6 May 2022.

Details of the document the Portfolio Holder considered are attached below.

Reasons for the decision:

See Report

Alternative options considered:

See Report

Declarations of Interest(s): None

Contact: Claire Upton-Brown, Executive Head of Planning Regeneration and Economy Email:, David Hurd, Enforcement Manager Email:

Publication date: 28/04/2022

Effective from: 07/05/2022

Accompanying Documents: