Decision details

Questions To Portfolio Holders Under Standing Order 22A

Decision Maker: Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Question 1

Cllr Harrison asked the Portfolio Holder for Housing Services a question regarding the effect "Right to Buy" had had on the Council’s housing stock and the consequently effect on people, especially young people, being able to access affordable housing.  The Portfolio Holder agreed that right to buy had reduced the Council’s housing stock but that the position had already been raised with Government Ministers.  The Council was actively pursuing a range of measures to create affordable homes for families and young people.  


Question 2

Cllr O’Sullivan asked the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Wellbeing to update the Council on the progress of the New Milton Free-Weights Room and the Applemore Studio Projects, the associated costs and payback time.  The Portfolio Holder responded that, despite some problems being encountered, both projects had been delivered on budget.  The, Applemore Studio Project had cost £44,500 and the New Milton Free-Weights Room, £34,000.  The payback time was 1 year for Applemore and 1 year and 3 months for New Milton.


Question 3

Cllr Harrison asked the Portfolio Holder for Community Affairs about the ability of Hampshire Constabulary to fulfil their community safety duties. He highlighted a recent incident in Lyndhurst when the Police had been unable to respond.  The Portfolio Holder spoke about the incident in question and said that, while it was regrettable that the Police had been unable to respond, it had to be appreciated that Police resources had been reduced.   She praised the Police for their involvement in wider community safety issues and the way they went about their work with limited resources.  Hampshire’s Chief Constable and the Police & Crime Commissioner were campaigning for improved national funding.   The matter was not one within the District Council’s control.


Councillor Harrison asked a supplementary question regarding the long Police response times and whether the reduction in staffing would cause further problems.  The Portfolio Holder hoped that the publicity over both local and national issues would bring about improved funding. 


Question 4

Cllr Harrison asked the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services about the numberof successful prosecutions against people dropping litter in the New Forest District in the years 2016, 2017 and 2018.  The Portfolio Holder reported there had been no prosecutions in 2016/17 but that there had been 15 in 2017/18, and 2 so far this year.  The Council was adopting powers that would make it easier to take action in cases of littering from motor vehicles, which was the highest cause of littering in the District.


Cllr Harrison asked a supplementary question regarding the target for prosecutions for dropping litter over the next 12 months.  The Portfolio Holder responded saying that there was no target but that work to educate the public would continue, coupled with enforcement action in appropriate circumstances 


Question 5

Cllr Harrison asked the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services about the number of successful prosecutions there had been against people who had allowed a dog to mess without clearing up on pavements, verges and other community spaces in the years 2016, 2017 and 2018.  The Portfolio Holder reported that there had not been any.  However, successful campaigns involving a high profile presence by the dog warden had been undertaken at some problem areas, with resulting marked improvements in the level of dog fouling.


Cllr Harrison asked a supplementary question regarding the target for prosecutions for dog fouling over the next 12 months.  The Portfolio Holder stated that there was no target but that anti-fouling campaigns would continue. 


Question 6

Cllr Harrison asked the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services about the Council’s plans to improve recycling performance.  The Portfolio Holder reported that the recycling rate in the District had increased from 31 to 34%.  Work was continuing to improve this rate still further.  A campaign called “Six in the Sack” was to be launched at the New Forest Show.


Cllr Harrison followed up with a question comparing the recycling rate for NFDC with other nearby authorities, asking whether more steps should be taken to improve recycling rates.  The Portfolio Holder responded saying that the Council was committed to improving recycling but items that could be accepted for recycling were  limited by the commodities accepted by Project Integra. 


Question 7

Cllr Harrison asked the Leader and Corporate Affairs Portfolio Holder about plans for the senior management of the Council’s planning function.  The Leader responded stating that housing and planning were top priorities for the Council.  Considerable investment had been made into these two priority services.  The Cabinet would review the planning function over the summer and report back to Members on progress.


Question 8

Cllr Harrison asked the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regulatory Services about a possible Chinese Lantern Festival in Southampton and whether, because of the inherent dangers for the New Forest, she would help to persuade the company promoting the event to cancel it.  The Portfolio Holder reported that protection of the environment in the New Forest was her top priority.  However, the event might not require a licence, and, even if it did, licensing would be a matter for Southampton City Council.  She had undertaken some preliminary investigations and it seemed that a number of safety measures would apply.  She appreciated the concerns and would contact Southampton City Council to find out more and to stress the importance of ensuring that the event was run safely without a detrimental impact on the environment.



Publication date: 12/07/2018

Date of decision: 09/07/2018

Decided at meeting: 09/07/2018 - Council