Decision details
Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Draft Mineral Sites Plan and Draft Waste Plan Consultation Response
Decision Maker: Planning and Transportation Portfolio (Decisions) Pre May 2015
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
That Dorset County Council, Bournemouth Borough Council, and Poole Borough Councilbe informed that New Forest District Council:
a.) Supports the assumption made with regard to the anticipated closure of the Blue Haze landfill site towards the end of the plan period;
b.) Is concerned that the proposal at Roeshot has not been subject to adequate Transport Assessment work in relation to transport impacts in Hampshire and is therefore deficient in addressing the impacts of the proposals on Hampshire;
c.) Draws attention to the potential conflict between the proposed use of this site for SANGs to mitigate the impact of the Christchurch urban extension and the proposals for further sand & gravel extraction in this area.
Reasons for the decision:
See Report.
Alternative options considered:
See Report.
Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:
See Report.
Other reasons / organisations consulted
See report.
Contact: Andrew Herring, Planning Policy Officer 023 8028 5588 Email:
Publication date: 04/08/2015
Date of decision: 04/08/2015
Effective from: 12/08/2015
Accompanying Documents: