Decision details
Sky Lanterns
Decision Maker: Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Cllr Blunden disclosed a non-pecuniary interest on the grounds that he was a member of New Milton Town Council which had already decided to ban the use of Chinese lanterns on its land. He concluded that he could retain an open mind regarding any decision with respect to this Council’s responsibilities and consequently there were no grounds under common law to prevent him from taking part in the consideration or voting.
The Panel considered the proposal to appoint 3 members to serve on a joint task and finish working group, together with representatives from the General Purposes and Licensing Committee to look at the licensing perspectives of the question raised by Cllr Bennison in respect of Chinese Lanterns at the meeting of the Council held on 23 February 2015 (Minute 51 refers). The Group would consider measures that the Council could take to further discourage the use or release of sky lanterns, including the use of conditions when granting licences.
The Panel recognised that this could be a substantial piece of work, addressing an issue which was of great concern in the Forest where there were many vulnerabilities to the effects of these lanterns, particularly from the fire risk and the risk to animals ingesting the frames of the lanterns.
That Councillors Bennison, Ford and Thorne be appointed to serve on the task and finish working group.
Publication date: 22/06/2015
Date of decision: 11/06/2015
Decided at meeting: 11/06/2015 - Environment Overview and Scrutiny Panel