Decision details

Report of Cabinet - 4 October 2023

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No




There were no speakers on the items resolved by Cabinet at its meeting on 4 October 2023.







Cllr Heron introduced the item and moved the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting.  Cllr Cleary seconded the motion.


A Member expressed his concern at the impact of the national Government’s approach to local government finances and the consequential pressures on balancing annual budgets.  The Portfolio Holder highlighted that the Council remained in a strong financial position, notwithstanding the challenges ahead and this strong position was achieved by the administration’s long term approach to financial planning.  A number of Members further to this commented on the importance of retaining a prudent level of reserves, in playing an important part in the overall financial sustainability of the Council.


A Member highlighted the future approach to the setting of fees and charges, and welcomed further clarity at some stage on the programme for any Portfolio Holder Decisions in this area.


In responding to the debate, the Portfolio Holder welcomed any specific technical questions outside of the meeting which he would be happy to respond to.




That Council approve:-


(a)   That the revised MTFP forecasts, as outlined within the Cabinet report and

appendices be adopted;


(b)   That the options identified to close the budget gap for 2024/25 and through to 2027/28 are developed further;


(c)   That the Fees and Charges Policy set out in section 4f of the Cabinet report be adopted; and


(d)   That the reporting timeline as set out in section 6 of the Cabinet report be agreed.




Cllr Blunden introduced the item and moved the recommendations from the Cabinet meeting.  Cllr Cleary seconded the motion.


Cllr M Wade spoke with concern about the significance of the increase in the charges and the impact on local residents and moved an amendment on the parking clock prices, as follows:-


Short stay annual clocks from £30.00 to £32.00

Long stay annual clocks from £140.00 to £150.00

Long stay quarterly clocks from £40.00 to £43.00


Cllr J Davies seconded the amendment.


Members speaking for the amendment referred to the percentage increases and highlighted specifically the impact on local businesses that purchased clocks for their employees.  Concerns were also raised on the impact to on street parking.  With inflation and cost of living pressures, it was suggested that wages were not keeping up with this level of increase to local fees and charges.


Members speaking against the amendment encouraged councillors to consider the figures as well as the percentages.  A number of Members suggested that the New Forest District Council, with its unique parking clock initiative, remained one of the best councils in respect of value for money car parking for residents and local businesses, in the country.


The Portfolio Holder, in responding to the debate on the amendment highlighted that in his view, it was commendable that the Council had been able to freeze charges for so long, in some cases for eight years.  Whilst percentage rises could generate headlines, he encouraged Members to look at the individual figures and the benchmarking undertaken with other local authorities.  He highlighted the retention of the first hour of parking remaining at £1 to support local high streets and the Council remaining far cheaper overall to park with, than a number of other local areas.


Put to the vote, the amendment was lost.


The Council further debated the substantive motion.


Put to the vote, the substantive motion was carried.




That Council approve:-


(a)   that the 2024 town & village and amenity car park tariffs be increased by £1.00 per tariff, except for the 1-hour tariff which will remain at £1.00, and the “up to 20 hours” tariff which will increase by £3.


(b)   that the 1-hour tariff is applicable in all car parks throughout the year.


(c)   that the increase in charges for NFDC parking clocks be agreed; namely;

·        Short stay annual clocks from £30.00 to £40.00

·        Long stay annual clocks from £140.00 to £220.00

·        Long stay quarterly clocks from £40.00 to £65.00


(d)   that the Council allocate 4 days of free parking in town centre car parks to  support local businesses during December 2023, as detailed in section 7 of the Cabinet report.


(e)   that the Keyhaven fees and charges as detailed at Appendix A to the Cabinet report be approved.


Publication date: 24/11/2023

Date of decision: 09/10/2023

Decided at meeting: 09/10/2023 - Council

Accompanying Documents: