Decision details

Rural England Prosperity Fund

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider updates to the Rural England Prosperity Fund delivery policy




That Cabinet


a)     agree the revised proposed mechanism for the allocation of the Business Support element of the Rural England Prosperity Fund as set out in paragraph 3.2;


b)     agree to delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Place, Operations and Sustainability in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy on any further changes to the allocation of funds or other delivery issues; and


c)     agree to delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Place, Operations and Sustainability to take all decisions and actions on the administration and allocation of the Fund in line with government guidance.




As set out in the report.








Planning and Economy.




As set out in the report.








The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy, introduced the report, highlighting that the funding would benefit people in the rural areas of the District. The latest funding criteria required applicants to contribute a minimum of 50% matched funding on capital investment, to ensure genuine and well planned applications were submitted for consideration.


Cabinet Members expressed their support to the revised proposed mechanism for the allocation of Business Support and was conscious that any funding provided to the rural areas of the New Forest would have wide-reaching benefits, across the District, not just in the immediate area that funding was received.


A non Cabinet member sought a definition of rural businesses and expressed concern that some businesses would not know whether they were eligible to apply if this was not clear.  An officer response was provided and members noted that any businesses located in the rural area were likely to be eligible but that further clarity would be provided.  Members were reminded that the map of the District’s DEFRA designated ‘rural areas’ formed part of the report considered by the Cabinet in March 2023.



Reason Key: Impacts Significant Number of People;

Other reasons / organisations consulted



Executive Management Team, relevant Portfolio Holder

Contact: Sally Igra, Economic Development Team Leader Email:, Clive Tritton, Interim Assistant Director, Place and Development Email:

Report author: Sally Igra

Publication date: 07/07/2023

Date of decision: 05/07/2023

Decided at meeting: 05/07/2023 - Cabinet

Effective from: 15/07/2023

Accompanying Documents: