Decision details

Adoption of the revised Statement of Community Involvement

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To seek adoption of a revised Statement of Community Involvement.




Cabinet recommended to Council the following:-


1.     That the outcomes of the public consultation that took place for 6 weeks on the proposed amendments to the SCI be noted and that the draft responses to the representations received be agreed (set out in Appendix 2).


2.     that the changes to the SCI set out in Appendix 1 be agreed and the amended SCI documents be formally adopted; and


3.     that any final editorial changes to the document prior to publication be agreed by the Strategic Director of Place, Operations and Sustainability in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy.




Report to Cabinet and Council 




Planning and Economy




As set out in the report. 








The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy introduced the report highlighting that the Statement of Community Involvement was a comprehensive planning document which set out how the council would engage with local communities on planning matters, including the preparation of the Local Plan, determining planning applications, planning guidance and how to allocate CIL.  It detailed the minimum commitment of the Council to consult on such matters, however, it was expected that this would be exceeded at times in order to seek as much engagement as possible within the community.


A six week consultation had been carried out on the proposed amendments to the SCI and during this time there had been engagement with the local town and parish councils and key stakeholders.  Specialist engagement tools had been used to encourage as much engagement as possible.  Whilst there had not been a significant response to the consultation, the responses received were valuable.  The SCI had been updated and the revised document was presented to Cabinet seeking that it be recommended for approval to adopt at Full Council.



Reason Key: Impacts Significant Number of People;

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Public Consultation carried out during Oct – Dec 2025.


Local Plan Working Group and Executive Management Team

Contact: Andrew Herring, Planning Policy Officer Email:

Report author: Andrew Herring

Publication date: 07/02/2025

Date of decision: 05/02/2025

Decided at meeting: 05/02/2025 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: