Decision details

Asset Maintenance and Replacement Programme and General Fund Capital Programme 2025/26

Decision Maker: Cabinet, Council

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To consider and recommend to Council the schedule of projects for inclusion in the 2025/25 budget




That Cabinet:


1.     Recommend to Council that the schedule of projects, as included in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 be approved within the 2025/26 budget, noting that this commits the Council to expenditure beyond 2025/26 whereby a project commences in 2025/26 and extends into future years;


2.     Recommend to Council that the Vehicle and Plant replacement programme be approved for a 2-year period, covering purchases due in 2025/26 and 2026/27;


3.     Recommend to Council that the Appletree Court scheme previously approved in August 2024 be removed from the Capital Programme, updating the Council’s MTFP accordingly and note the new £200,000 allocation for a reduced scope of work in the revised Capital Programme under recommendation 1; and


4.     Noted the intention to create an Asset Management Strategy.




Report to Cabinet and Council 




Finance and Corporate




As set out in the report. 








The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate introduced the report highlighting that revenue budget allowance to cover the AMP programme represented £2.5 million for the general fund and a further £390,000 for HRA.


The following key points were highlighted:


·        Investment was proposed to continue to maintain the buildings of the health and leisure centres

·        Depot improvements at Marsh Lane, Lymington

·        ICT replacement programme and infrastructure works

·        £1.65m was proposed as part of the revenue implications of the vehicle and plant replacement programme.

·        £60,000 had been awarded to the Council from the UK shared prosperity fund and a separate report would be presented on how this grant would be spent

·        Continued support to the community grant programme with a maximum budget of £100,000 towards capital grants.


The proposed General Fund Capital programme for 2025/26 represented £19.411 million.  Within this, the majority of the scope of the work at Appletree Court had been removed in light of the Local Government Review. The new vehicle and plant programme proposed £2.463 million, with an additional £3.709 million to support the new waste strategy vehicles.  The procurement of the new containers for the new waste strategy would cost £4.550 million.  Finally, £1.5 million was proposed towards the disabled facilities grants, through the Better Care Fund.


The Assistance Director – Finance reported that almost 50% of the programme would be funded from external sources.


The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability spoke in relation to paragraph 20 of the report regarding the renovation of public conveniences.  He felt that they were often undervalued, however they provided a critical role on providing facilities for all residents and visitors to the area.  Modern and well-maintained public conveniences could attract and boost the local economy by making towns and villages, as well as open spaces more welcome and accessible.  He understood and supported the work undertaken to prioritise projects with the funding available, however devolution and the Local Government Reorganisation landscape had shifted things.  As the Portfolio Holder for this important service, he was pleased to note that a separate piece of work would be undertaken as part of a wider asset management strategy and welcomed investment in public conveniences over the next 2-3 years to provide high quality facilities to facilities and transfer to any a new authority or to the local towns and parishes.  This was supported by the Leader, and she reported the approach should be applied to the other asset holdings the Council had.  It was agreed with the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate that this would be considered and taken forward as part of the Medium Term Financial Plan.


Reason Key: Expenditure > £50,000;

Other reasons / organisations consulted



Executive Management Team, relevant Portfolio Holder and Resources and Transformation Overview and Scrutiny Panel

Contact: Paul Whittles, Assistant Director - Finance Email:

Report author: Paul Whittles

Publication date: 07/02/2025

Date of decision: 05/02/2025

Decided at meeting: 05/02/2025 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: