Decision details

Financial Monitoring (based on performance April to December 2024 inclusive)

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To provide an update on the 2024/25 General Fund, Capital Programme and Housing Revenue Account




That Cabinet:


1.     note the latest budget forecasts of the General Fund, HRA, and Capital; and


2.     Recommend that Council approve the reallocation of the net residual 2024/25 Pay Award contingency (£496,000) to create a new £150,000 Devolution and Local Government Reorganisation (LGR) reserve, with the remaining £346,000 being applied to the Council’s existing Corporate Priority Reserve.




Report to Cabinet and Council




Finance and Corporate




As set out in the report.








The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate presented the third quarter financial monitoring report.  He noted there were a number of variations of the general fund but the most significant change was to the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), which was currently presenting a £207,000 surplus.


The following general fund variations were highlighted:


·        Waste transition costs – an increase of £39,000, however given this was a major project, it was not to be unexpected. 

·        Additional business rate costs plus loss of income due to voids, of £248,000 in relation to Jubilee Business Park and Queensway. 

·        A reduction in public lighting costs of £50,000 due to lower than expected electricity costs. 

·        There was some remaining contingency funds held following the pay award. It was proposed that the remaining funds be reallocated to create a new £150,000 Devolution and Local Government Reorganisation Reserve.  This was a significant change and had been an unforeseen requirement when the budget had been set last year and to top up the Corporate Priority reserve by £346,000.


In relation to the HRA, £248,000 was required to prioritise works to void properties to bring them back into use, however this pressure was offset against the additional rental income of £400,000 exceeding that which had been budgeted for.   There was also an additional benefit of £277,000 to reflect the outcome of the pay award costs.


A non-Cabinet Member questioned the waste transition costs and the reason for £12,000 falling within the remit of the Finance and Corporate Services rather than the Environment and Sustainability Portfolio.  The Assistant Director – Finance reported that the waste project was cross cutting, and that this cost was in relation to customer services which was within the Finance and Corporate Portfolio.



Reason Key: Expenditure > £50,000;

Other reasons / organisations consulted



Executive Management Team and relevant Portfolio Holder

Contact: Paul Whittles, Assistant Director - Finance Email:

Report author: Paul Whittles

Publication date: 07/02/2025

Date of decision: 05/02/2025

Decided at meeting: 05/02/2025 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: