Decision details

Review of the Revenue and Capital Community Grants Scheme

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider the review of the community grants scheme and proposed changes to be adopted for the application window in 2024 for grants to be awarded from April 2025.




That Cabinet to approved the following:


a)    The adoption of the eligibility criteria for the Revenue Grant scheme, as detailed in section. 6.1;

b)    That the delivery model for the Revenue Grants scheme, as detailed in section 7, be adopted;

c)     That the Community Grants Task and Finish Group explore and consider a Community lottery funded scheme to run alongside the Community Grants programme, as detailed in section 7.7; and

d)    The process and eligibility criteria for the Capital Grant scheme, as detailed in section 8, be adopted


That the changes to the Community Grants scheme be adopted for the application window in 2024, with grants awarded from 1 April 2025.








Community, Safety and Wellbeing




As set out in the report.








The Portfolio Holder for Community, Safety and Wellbeing introduced the report. In the summary, the portfolio holder explained that the Housing and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel had given their unanimous support to the report and its recommendations. The review was important given the record number of applicants during last year’s process and the desire to maintain strong member engagement on the matter.


The Revenues, Benefits and Customer Services Service Manager provided an overview of the report and explained that this was a review of the community grant programme which was formed by two separate strands, these being the Revenue Grant scheme and Capital Grants scheme.


The review was recommended to Cabinet in February 2024 to follow the new corporate plan. The eligibility criteria had also been reviewed for the revenue grants scheme. Several options were considered for this, the preferred option contained a matrix model that would separate applicants into an ABC banding system, with up to a 3-year course of funding to enable successful organisations to be funded to support working toward our priorities. A community lottery scheme would also be considered by the Task and Finish Group, to explore additional and further funding opportunities for organisations. The capital grants scheme delivery model had also been reviewed to streamline the process and reduce administration. A review of the webpage would take place with more information on funding opportunities for local organisations. This way, the Council can better direct prospective applicants to the full and correct information.


A member of the Council highlighted that Option 2 was the Panel’s preferred choice. Reference was made to the CIL grant scheme which utilised a similar matrix system and how this cut down on staff and member time as well as resources, highlighting the potential efficiencies that could be made from implementing Option 2 going forward.


Another member raised a question on paragraph 8.2 of the report, noting point ‘f)’ that for Capital Grants states Town and Parish Councils will be ineligible to apply’ and that a further review would take place at a later date to align both the Capital Grants scheme and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) scheme. The Strategic Director of Corporate Resources and Transformation explained that the Council would imminently be considering the CIL scheme with a report coming to Cabinet in October 2024 for their consideration. Any potential amendments required for this scheme would be able to come back to Cabinet at a future date.


A Council member expressed that they would like more CIL money to be provided to Town and Parish Councils. The Strategic Director of Place, Operations and Sustainability explained that with CIL, Town and Parish Councils already received 15% of the money collected (and up to 25% if they had a Neighbourhood Plan). The last figures on standard CIL allocation showed that £800,000 had been provided to Town and Parish Councils but there was recognition of the need for a strategic use of CIL in the future


Reason Key: Expenditure > £50,000;

Other reasons / organisations consulted



Executive Management Team, Housing and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee and relevant Portfolio Holder

Contact: Richard Knott, Strategic Director – Housing & Communities Email: Tel: 023 8028 5242, Ryan Stevens, Service Manager - Revenues, Benefits and Customer Services Email:

Report author: Richard Knott

Publication date: 12/08/2024

Date of decision: 07/08/2024

Decided at meeting: 07/08/2024 - Cabinet

Effective from: 20/08/2024

Accompanying Documents: