Decision details

Financial Monitoring Report (based on performance April - June 2024 inclusive)

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To provide an update on the 2024/25 General Fund, Capital Programme and Housing Revenue Account




That Cabinet


1)    Noted the latest budget forecasts of the General Fund, HRA and Capital.


2)    Approved the supplementary budgets of £50,000 and £90,000 in the Housing Revenue Account for additional trees maintenance costs.


3)    Approved the supplementary budget provision of £125,000 for additional operating costs of the Green Waste service, funded from additional income from the Green Waste service.










Finance and Corporate.





As set out in the report.








The Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Finance introduced the report and explained that it was the first monitoring report of the 2024-2025 financial year. One of the few supplementary budget items for approval was £125,000 additional funding for the Green Waste scheme, however this would be more than covered by additional revenue from the Green Waste scheme itself. It was heard that the Green Waste scheme was proving very popular with residents and that there had been a large number of subscribers. The Portfolio Holder referenced some of the additional costs, such as the Appletree Court East Wing roof repair but explained that this cost had been met from within overall maintenance budgets. Finally, Cabinet heard that car parking income levels were lower than forecast but were still significantly higher than previous years. Cabinet understood the lower-than-expected car parking levels to be partly due to the weather conditions over the Summer. Capital expenditure was listed within the report and the Portfolio Holder acknowledged that there were a couple of variations to note.


The Strategic Director, Corporate Resources S151 and Transformation supported the summary provided by the Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Finance.


A member of the Council asked whether car parking prices would be increased next year, to which the Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Finance explained that t when budgets are reviewed each year, every aspect of Council income and expenditure would be assessed and revised as necessary.

Reason Key: Expenditure > £50,000;

Other reasons / organisations consulted



Executive Management Team and relevant portfolio holders

Contact: Alan Bethune, Strategic Director of Corporate Resources & Transformation, Section 151 Officer Email:

Report author: Alan Bethune

Publication date: 06/09/2024

Date of decision: 04/09/2024

Decided at meeting: 04/09/2024 - Cabinet

Effective from: 14/09/2024

Accompanying Documents: