Decision details
Supplementary Planning Document: Planning for Climate Change
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To approve the Climate Change SPD, following
public consultation
That the Cabinet agreed:
a) The draft responses to representations (attached at Annex 1 to the Cabinet report);
b) That the revised Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) “Planning for Climate Change” (attached at Annex 2 to the Cabinet report) is formally adopted and published on the Council’s website;
c) That the revised SPD is taken into account as a material consideration in the determination of all relevant applications that are submitted after the date of adoption; and
d) That any final editorial changes to the document prior to publication be agreed by the Strategic Director of Place, Operations and Sustainability in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy.
Planning and Economy / Environment and Sustainability
As set out in report.
The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy and the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability introduced the item and explained that the SPD was now in its final form and would stand as an advisory document that would encourage developers to play their part in building sustainable and resilient buildings that could adapt to climate issues whilst reducing the carbon emissions involved.
It was explained by the Senior Policy Planner that the standards contained within the SPD could not go over and above the Council’s adopted local plan nor nationally set policies. However, a primary benefit of the SPD would be in how it sets a base for future NFDC planning policies to be built upon. These policies would be developed during the local plan review which is just beginning.
Members commented on the lack of reference to biodiversity and nature within the SPD. The Senior Policy Planner explained that this document’s focus was on tangible outcomes relating to development within the District and that other documents and policies, such as with biodiversity net-gain in planning applications, did concern these matters. The Senior Policy Planner also noted that Biodiversity Net gain is now a national requirement.
It was hoped that developers would take heed of the SPD and seek to install infrastructure such as ground source heat pumps where possible whilst reducing their own carbon footprint when building.
The Senior Policy Planner explained that as part of the SPD adoption process, all Town and Parish Councils will be written to with an explanation of the document and what changes it entails. Furthermore, all Town and Parish Councils are consulted with as a specific consultee on local planning documents. More detail would be provided as to where the SPD could go in future and how it could help shape policies within the new Local Plan.
Reason Key: Impacts Significant Number of People;
Other reasons / organisations consulted
Executive Management Team, relevant Portfolio
Contact: Tim Guymer, Assistant Director for Place Development Email:
Report author: Mark Williams
Publication date: 05/04/2024
Date of decision: 03/04/2024
Decided at meeting: 03/04/2024 - Cabinet
Effective from: 13/04/2024
Accompanying Documents: