


This Forward Plan lists matters on which decisions are likely to be considered by, or on behalf of the Council’s Cabinet for a 12 month period.  The Forward Plan also lists major decisions which fall within the definition of a “key decision” as outlined below:-

A key decision is one that is likely either:-

a)         to result in the Council incurring expenditure, or making savings, which are significant having regard to the Council’s budget for the service of function to which the decision relates (expenditure or savings are generally treated as significant if the sum exceeds £50,000 of unapproved savings or spend); or

b)         to result in an outcome which will have an impact, for better or worse, on a significant number of people living or working in an area comprising two or more wards in the Council’s area; or to be significant in terms of its effect on communities in a ward.

The Cabinet consists of six Councillors and they are responsible for the following Portfolios:-

Councillor Jill Cleary – Leader of the Council

Councillor Steve Davies – Deputy Leader and Housing and Homelessness

Councillor Geoffrey Blunden – Environment and Sustainability

Councillor Jeremy Heron – Finance and Corporate

Councillor Dan Poole – Community, Safety and Wellbeing

Councillor Derek Tipp – Planning and Economy



Anyone wishing to make representations about any matter included in this Forward Plan should contact the relevant report author seven working days before the first date shown for its consideration by the Cabinet.

Copies of Reports:

Anyone wishing to view or obtain a copy of any public report on any of the matters included in this Forward Plan should access the Council’s website.

Copies of reports and any relevant background documents can also be obtained by contacting the relevant report author named in this document.  A reasonable charge may be made for hard copies of documents.

CABINET FORWARD PLAN - 1 November 2024 TO 31 October 2025


Report Title

Proposed Decisions

Type of Decision

When is the decision being made?

Who are the key people/groups to be consulted before the decision is made and how will the consultation take place?

Report Author and Contact Details

Is the report likely to be considered in private?

Inside the Council

Outside the Council


Corporate Plan – Key Performance Indicators


To consider the list of Key Performance Indicators, baseline and targets.

 Non-Key Decision

Cabinet - 6 Nov 2024


Executive Management Team and Cabinet Members



Saqib Yasin, Performance & Insight Manager





Financial Monitoring Report (based on performance April - September 2024 inclusive)


To provide an update on the 2024/25 General Fund, Capital Programme and Housing Revenue Account

Key Decision

Cabinet  - 6 Nov 2024


Council - 9 Dec 2024


Executive Management Team and relevant Portfolio Holders



Paul Whittles, Assistant Director - Finance





Half yearly update Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report 1 April 2024 – 30 September 2024


To receive a half yearly update on the Council’s Complaints Handling and Performance

 Non-Key Decision

Cabinet - 4 Dec 2024


Executive Management Team, relevant Portfolio Holders and Resources and Transformation Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Housing and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel members invited)



Amanda Wilson, Information Governance & Complaints Manager





Medium Term Financial Plan Update


To consider an update to the Medium Term Financial plan

Key Decision

Cabinet - 4 Dec 2024


Executive Management Team and relevant Portfolio Holder



Paul Whittles, Assistant Director - Finance





Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025/26


To approve the Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2025/26

 Non-Key Decision

Cabinet  - 4 Dec 2024


Council - 9 Dec 2024


Executive Management Team, relevant Portfolio Holder, Resources and Transformation Overview and Scrutiny Panel

A six week consultation on the proposals will be carried out.


Ryan Stevens, Service Manager - Revenues, Benefits and Customer Services





Setting the Council Tax Base


To recommend to Council the approval of the Tax Base for 2025/26

 Non-Key Decision

Cabinet  - 4 Dec 2024


Council - 9 Dec 2024


Executive Management Team, Portfolio Holder - Finance and Corporate



Ryan Stevens, Service Manager - Revenues, Benefits and Customer Services





Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy 2025 - 2029


To approve the draft Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy for public consultation.

 Non-Key Decision

Cabinet - 5 Feb 2025


Executive Management Team, Housing and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel, relevant Portfolio holder and

Hampshire Constabulary


Chris Pike, Housing Anti-Social Behaviour Manager





Community Grants 2025/26


To consider the Community Grants for inclusion in the 2025/26 budget.

Key Decision

Cabinet - 5 Feb 2025


Community Grants Task and Finish Group, Executive Management Team, Housing and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel, Portfolio Holder - Community, Safety and Wellbeing



Ryan Stevens, Service Manager - Revenues, Benefits and Customer Services





Financial Monitoring (based on performance April to December 2024 inclusive)


To provide an update on the 2024/25 General Fund, Capital Programme and Housing Revenue Account

Key Decision

Cabinet - 5 Feb 2025


Executive Management Team and relevant Portfolio Holder



Paul Whittles, Assistant Director - Finance





Capital Strategy 2025/26


To consider the Capital Strategy 2025/26

Key Decision

Cabinet  - 19 Feb 2025


Council - 24 Feb 2025


Executive Management Team, Resources and Transformation Overview and Scrutiny Panel, relevant Portfolio Holder



Paul Whittles, Assistant Director - Finance





Asset Maintenance & Replacement Programme and General Fund Capital Programme 2025/26


To consider and recommend to Council the schedule of projects for inclusion in the 2025/25 budget

Key Decision

Cabinet  - 5 Feb 2025


Council - 24 Feb 2025


Executive Management Team, relevant Portfolio Holder and Resources and Transformation Overview and Scrutiny Panel



Paul Whittles, Assistant Director - Finance





Medium Term Financial Plan and Budget


To consider the Medium Term Financial Plan and setting of the 2025/26 budget

Key Decision

Cabinet  - 19 Feb 2025


Council - 24 Feb 2025


Executive Management Team and relevant Portfolio Holder



Paul Whittles, Assistant Director - Finance





Housing Revenue Account budget and the housing sector capital expenditure programme for 2025/26


To consider the Housing Revenue Account budget and the housing sector capital expenditure programme for 2025/26

Key Decision

Cabinet  - 19 Feb 2025


Council - 24 Feb 2025


Executive Management Tea, relevant Portfolio Holder and the Housing and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel



Paul Whittles, Assistant Director - Finance





Members' Allowances - Scheme to apply from 1 April 2025


To recommend to Council the annual scheme of members' allowances

 Non-Key Decision

Cabinet  - 5 Feb 2025


Council - 24 Feb 2025


Executive Management Team



Andy Rogers, Democratic Services Officer





Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report 2024/25


To approve the Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report and provide the Governing Body’s Response

Key Decision

Cabinet - 4 Jun 2025


Executive Management Team, relevant Portfolio Holders



Amanda Wilson, Information Governance & Complaints Manager


