Meetings, agendas and minutes

In this section you can access a wide range of information and documents relating to the council’s decision making processes, find out about forthcoming Council meetings and decisions and obtain details for your local political representatives.

Committee meeting information

Information regarding Council, Cabinet and committee meetings. You can find the agendas, minutes of previous meetings, as well as officer reports discussed at previous meetings. Information is also provided on dates of future meetings, and issues that will be discussed in future.

Do you want to attend a meeting?

If you wish to attend a meeting in person, members of the public are encouraged to contact Democratic Services in advance. Please refer to the agenda front page which specifies the location, start time and officer contact details. If you require any general advice regarding attendance at meetings please contact Democratic Services on 023 8028 5834.

The seating capacity of our Council Chamber public gallery is limited under fire regulations to 22.

The live broadcast and subsequent recordings provide you the freedom to watch the proceedings of all our public meetings at your leisure. These can be viewed from the respective meeting date web page or via our YouTube channel. Live-streaming and recording of meetings is not a statutory requirement and whilst every endeavour will be made to broadcast our meetings, this cannot be guaranteed. Recordings remain available to view for a minimum of 12 months.

Elected representatives

Details of this council’s MPs and councillors.

How to get involved

You can access and sign current ePetitions submitted to this Council, as well as accessing information on ePetitions that have already been completed.

It is also possible to subscribe to updates in order to receive information via e-mail regarding particular issues and committee meetings.

Outside bodies

Contact details for the council representatives on outside bodies and forums that are independent from the council.


Information regarding the decisions taken by Cabinet, committees, etc, as well as officer delegated decisions taken by council officers.

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